
We're moving! Very suddenly.

We're moving! Very suddenly.

An unexpected move and why we think it will make it even easier for RVA to get their hot sauce fix. But it comes with some changes to our location...

We're moving! Very suddenly.

An unexpected move and why we think it will make it even easier for RVA to get their hot sauce fix. But it comes with some changes to our location...

The Story of M.F. Willis Hot Sauce Company

Starting early in 2021 John M.F. Willis decided to grow a garden as he had done in his younger years. As a new grandfather and father of two he remembered the gardens and farms of his Parents and Grandparents. John wanted his future grandchildren to have the same experience he had growing up. The garden far exceeded anyone's expectations and soon the Willis family had an abundance of vegetables and hot peppers. We used those fresh peppers and decided to make hot sauces. With a focus growing fresh and locally sourced vegetables John began creating his own sauces with the most important component being flavor.